Best Social Networks

The world of social networks has been changing at an amazing speed. Since the birth of Facebook, as a space for university interconnection, networks have evolved. Currently they are made up as one of the largest advertising platforms in the world. And businesses have seen the need to take advantage of its benefits. Today we want to share with you the  social networks for companies , the use of which has become more popular. Let us begin!

What Are The Most Used Social Networks By Companies?

The importance of social networks in the corporate environment is growing. And it is that consumers have changed their attitudes. The new generations move in digital environments, and this is the space in which companies will win over their customers.

Therefore, retreating to having only one web page is wasting a huge opportunity. People no longer just choose based on the hard features of each product. They also do it for the  identity of the brand  and its values. For the service and that extra touch that makes each brand unique and extraordinary.

However, social networks for companies should not be an absolute mandate. Depending on the type of business  and the product or service you sell, you should focus on one or the other networks. For example, selling a service for seniors may not make much sense on TikTok. But it will surely give good results on Facebook.

If you want to start managing your networks as a company to make the most of their potential, at Pululart we are experts. We have a solid team of strategists and community managers, who will go to the essence of your brand, to communicate it powerfully in digital environments.

Also Read: Benefits That Social Media Brings To Your Business

The 4 Best Social Networks For Companies In 2023

There are many social networks available in the market. Some have reached stability, while others move by times or fashions. Let’s review below the ones that work  best  for companies.


Among the most powerful social networks for companies is Instagram. It is about the world of image and community. That is why its results are so positive. If you sell products, it is the best digital showcase to display them. And if you sell services, an excellent space to communicate their value. The fundamental thing is that your profile does not become a catalog, but that it transmits valuable content, that makes you build a community.


Facebook also became a powerful advertising machine, with its Facebook Ads. they also reach a very broad audience. It is ideal for those services or products that are aimed at people over forty years of age. If your audience is teenagers, you may want to focus on other networks.


And among the social networks for companies, one of the most valuable is LinkedIn. It is the perfect space to foster relationships between companies and networking. First, it allows you to introduce yourself in a formal way, showing your services and product lines. This way you will be able to connect with possible partners, clients and even with future collaborators for your business.


And we close our list of social networks for companies with the star of the youngest: Tiktok. This social network is dynamic, fun, and full of youth. It has the particularity that its contents can go viral very quickly. Therefore, for companies it is a good option. By generating valuable content and addressing your other profiles, you can strengthen your digital presence.

Also Read: Make Social Networks A Lever For Business Competitiveness

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