Ranking Factor Security: Google Includes HTTPS In SEO


It has long been an oracle, but now Google has said itself in a blog post: Security is a ranking factor. The search engine giant explains that it wants to make the Internet more secure, making sense to rank SSL-encrypted websites better.

Two Birds With One Stone

Website operators who implement an SSL certificate take two relevant points: You optimize your ranking and make your communication much more secure. This not only applies to shops that handle sensitive customer data but also to smaller websites or blogs.

Which Certificate Is The Right One?

Setting up an SSL certificate is quite simple: Find out about the different types of certificates, order your diploma and set it up. You have the following options:

  • Individual certificates: If you want to protect a domain, select a particular certificate.
  • Wildcard certificates: Protect all single-level subdomains of your environment.
  • Multi-domain certificates: You manage several disciplines and can defend them comprehensively.

These three certificate variants are available for the following validation types:

  • Domain validated certificates: an email robot certifies your domain; Suitable for small to medium-sized sites and shops, an exhibition within 10 minutes.
  • Organization validated certificates: documents and a phone call are used for validation; suitable for medium to large pages and shops, exhibition from approx. 10 minutes.

Extended Validation Certificates also require a detailed organizational check and are suitable for bank websites or similar websites.

Also Read: How To Measure The Performance Of Agencies Now? 

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