How To Sell Your Products On Social Networks?

Sell Your Products

Sell ​​Your Products On Social Networks With Social Commerce

Social media has long been an integral part of any online marketing strategy. The primary objective was to increase the visibility and awareness of the company or brand. In recent years, this goal has changed considerably.

Today, more than 38% of all online shoppers learn about new products through social media. And customers are ordering more and more when they first see an item. Social networks have therefore become excellent channels for selling.

From big brands to small retailers, everyone uses them to promote their goods and services: we talk about social commerce. Discover in this article, the different aspects of social commerce to sell on social networks.

Social Commerce: The Ultimate Strategy To Increase Your Sales Via Social Networks

Social commerce is the direct promotion and sale of products through social media platforms. Users can interact directly with your business through comments, likes, private messages or by participating in surveys. This is why engagement rate is one of the most important metrics in social commerce. For example, if you started a packaging design survey before your product was launched, it would make your users feel like they were part of the decision-making process for the product design. This will make it easier for you to win potential buyers for your product.

Social networks allow you to create a personal relationship between your customers and your brand . They will increasingly interact with and tend to order products more often via social media posts/ads. This promotes lasting customer loyalty!

The Distribution Of Targeted Advertisements To Reach Your Potential Customers

With targeted advertising, you reach your prospects and get more e-commerce traffic while reducing advertising costs: advertising precisely tailored to the potential customer increases the likelihood that they will interact with the content.

How does it works ? With advertising networks with ultra-powerful algorithms (including Facebook and Instagram) capable of recording user behavior on your website. You can then use this information directly to serve your ads. This way, you can refine your targeting and reach users from a broad target group who are about to complete a purchase.

Using Direct Product Links To Increase Conversion Rate

Another way to sell on your social networks is to integrate direct links to your products. For example, the Tik Tok video platform allows you to integrate a clickable link and a ”  Swipe Up  ” button into your profile.

The same is possible on Instagram. With the Instagram Shopping feature , you can give your followers the best mobile shopping experience. The benefit here is that your followers stay on the platform while they scroll through your product line. You will have a reduced bounce rate. Another way to do this is to display your prices on normal displays via your store’s link. This takes the user directly to your product page. These features help you provide your customers with an optimal user journey.

You also have the option of using paid advertising to upload your catalog information to Facebook and use it to create dynamic product ads. With various cross-selling and up-selling campaigns, you can target those who have abandoned their carts and existing customers with the products they have already interacted with. It really increases your conversion rate!

Collaboration With Influencers

Influencer marketing is a great way to sell on social media . It’s about connecting with micro-influencers in your field or niche and offering them win-win partnerships.

You need to make sure that they have a strong following of fans who engage with their content and trust them enough to believe in their promotion. It has been proven especially on Instagram that engagement on personal pages is higher than that on brand pages. It’s no surprise: users naturally engage more with people than with brands.

Messaging Optimization With Chatbots

There are also exciting developments in conversational commerce that are of interest to your social commerce strategy. Broadly speaking, conversational commerce is any conversation a user has with a business. The potential of chatbots is particularly great, which can be used as the first point of contact in the customer journey. By quickly answering ready-made questions, chatbots increase customer satisfaction, especially for advice-intensive purchase processes or general questions about delivery and shipping.

Using chatbots, you can provide automatic responses to many service questions about products, ranges, or processes early in the user journey. This greatly simplifies and shortens the work of your customer service  ! Because with the information already available, your employees can continue processing individual requests.

In online marketing, you can ideally use the chatbot for discount or customer loyalty campaigns. With Facebook, in particular, it makes sense to use messaging bots in your paid marketing strategy.

Also Read: How To Sell Services On Social Networks

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